Okay, here it is...this photo tells it all..MY LIFE!

You see it? Yup I'm wearing two different socks and not only two different ones..but different color too! I didn't do it for this photo..I seriously did it at 3am after nursing Devan to sleep. My feet were cold and I didn't care what I grabbed in my sock drawer. The point is, everyday is like this. I have no clue what my day will bring. I kept them on all day not realizing they were different. On a week day, I don't get a chance to figure out what I'm going to wear or see myself in the mirror. I know, all you 'moms' out there are nodding your head understanding exactly what I'm going through. I get it..I know I'm not alone. However, I need this blog to journal my thoughts to keep my sanity checked.
From picking up the toys 5x a day all through the house, refilling a sippy cup, following a crawler, making sure my 3 year old is not in danger to himself and to his lil' bro, holding the remote to click on Demand, feeding the kids, washing hands, nursing Devan, playing on the floor with my kiddos, adjusting my messy ponytail that I slept in, cleaning up spit up, writing down my 'to do list', finally get to go to the bathroom with door open, teaching Dante to say sorry after hurting me, holding Devan as I clean around the house, putting Devan in the crib as I clean around the house, checking email or facebook for a minute or two, remembering to drink fluids, Hearing "mommy!" all day long, spacing out, make a cup of coffee, play tickle war, making sure I don't say "No" too much and teaching "Do this" instead, making silly faces at Devan, making sure my potty trained toddler is still potty trained, changing another diaper, constantly checking Devan he doesn't put small objects in his mouth, reading a book to the kids, acting excited about everything that the kids are excited about, wondering when I'll take a shower, sniffing myself..(do I stink yet?), hearing the boys cry cause it's nap time, read another book, walk quietly until I know the boys are really asleep, sit on the couch for a little bit and watch one DVR show I recorded and to think about what I need to do before the boys wake up. Did you get all that? It's only 2pm and I finally get to take a deep breath and refocus to start it up again when they wake up. I may have not mention...wait. I mean, I KNOW I didn't mention everything I do everyday...but you get the idea how my life is these days. Right?
I still didn't take a shower..I may be able to while they nap, but I often take a mini break and think of cleaning bigger things so I have no interruptions. I also try to give myself time to go online to look up jobs, facebook and blogging. Once they wake up..it's all the same stuff to do all over again and then some! You want me to blog about night time? Uhh, that's whole different story. When I have time to blog about my wild 'night life' I will let you know. Wild..not! Busy..yes!
So my life is hectic and a blessing too! As I stand here (nope not sitting down) typing this out I know how blessed I am each day. I may be crying, irritated or laughing and playing but this is my life and I can LOVE it if I want to..I do! Also, I thank my family/friends and 'moms clubs' for helping me feel like i'm not alone. Thank you for the support!

See what I mean? I am so blessed!

playing footsies