I can't believe we can say Devan is 5 months! He's full of chubs and loud giggles! He can roll over both sides and grab his puffy feet. He discovered he has hair. When he's being fed, he likes to rub his round head and pull his hair. He's lifting his butt up and is able to scoot backwards.
Devan's first tooth is coming in. It's a little nub of a tooth, but boy is it sharp! His reflexes are getting faster too. If you hold anything in front of him..watch out he'll grab it fast!
Dante is being a great big brother. He loves to talk to him and help him put toys in his mouth. Dante tells me, "mommy, I'm feeding him!" He loves to rub his belly and tickle his feet. I can tell he wants to protect and care for his little brother. If one of us leaves, Dante makes sure we have said goodbye to Devan too. He doesn't want us to leave him out. So cute!
Devan's sleep schedule has been a tiny bit better. Hey, I'll take anything! Lately, he has been sleeping around 9:00 and waking up around 2:30am. I feed him and he's back to sleep until he wakes up for the day. I hope him teething doesn't interrupt his sleep.
He still loves to jump up and down on your lap or on Dante's bed. If I have him standing on the table it sounds like he's tap dancing. So, I think he'll be a tap dancer. haha.
Happy 5 Months, Devan!
I love my boys! xoxo