tummy time is hard. I like to suck my fist though..

sitting up, boppy style!

What?! I'm 2 months already!
Wow. Two month old Devan. Can't believe how time flies.
How am I taking it? Well let's just say with Dante, I was excited when he grew out of his clothes cause he had so many cute clothes and didn't mind moving on to the next. However, with Devan it's not the same. I noticed he can't fit into some of his newborn clothes and it makes me sad. I am not ready to pack his newborn clothes away. Maybe I feel this could be the last time I see his clothes? Maybe I don't want to see him grow so fast? I really don't know what it is, but I can't believe he's already 2 months old.
What's going on with Devan:
Devan's looks are changing everyday. He's smiling more and love hearing his sweet voice when he is cooing. He weighs about 12lbs and is wearing size 3mos now! His eyes are changing to more of a brown color..maybe I would say Hazel?
I have been better at doing "tummy time" with him. He doesn't really care for it since it's hard for him to do. But, He does like when I prop him up on a pillow or boppy and talking to him. I think he feels like a big boy. :) He is very proud he figured out where his hands are and now likes to suck his fingers and fist. He's more alert at hearing your voice and moving his head towards you. I also noticed it's been harder for me to hold him now that he kicks nonstop. He's definitely a strong little boy!
He's getting better being in the car seat and driving in the car. Dantes and I laugh cause Devan reminds us of this commercial that used to be on with a father and baby boy in the back driving. The baby is falling asleep and not crying until Daddy has to stop then he cries until the car is moving again. This is very much our Devan!