Friday, November 5, 2010

Dante wants to make a Birdhouse!

Dante wanted to make a birdhouse for outside. I looked online and found a simple preschool craft to make a birdfeeder. Birdhouse...Birdfeeder...same thing. He had a lot of fun doing it and we will make another one soon! Here is a step-by-step of what we did to complete our "birdhouse/birdfeeder" project. :)

First, you clean out the 1gal jug.

Draw 2 windows for you to cut out and color around it (use a sharpie so it will stay on)

Cut out windows big enough for a bird to go inside.

Add birdseed on the bottom. You can also cut out holes to add a stick for the bird to hang out in. I suggest making holes lower than we have here so the bird can stand on it easier. Next, you will tie the string on top of the jug and place the cap back on.

Here is the finished project of Dante's Birdhouse/Birdfeeder!
Good job, Dante!!

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