Happy 10 months to my wonderful beautiful little boy, Devan!
Here's a brief list of accomplishments. Way to go Devan!!
Mama, Dada, Wow, Baba (for brother I think), and just gibberish stuff that cracks us up. He is definitely going to be a big talker! He's very expressionist with his words.
He eats all sorts of baby foods..eats most of it except chunky pasta or chunky carrots in the stage 3 jars. He loves when I give him nibbles of rice, soft green beans, bananas, and fruit.
He's a very fast crawler and loves to follow us all over the house. He is standing not quite on his own, but I've notice he's trying to let go so it's coming soon!
He loves clapping for everything and if he hears clapping on the TV he'll join right in! He likes making "Indian sounds" with his hand, dancing and climbing on his pony, jumping, pushing big bro on his fire truck, stick his tongue in & out fast motion (it's hilarious), Scream his lungs out, climbing everywhere (scarey!), and I'm sure there's something I'm missing..but you get the idea that he's our fun and silly boy around here.
I actually haven't weighed him in awhile. I think he's about 17lb? I will update this later.
My favorite moments:
Devan is so good about not touching the Christmas tree. He crawls right by it and stops...looks up and admires the lights and this "big thing" that we have in our living room. It makes me smile when he does this because even though he can't talk he shows with his body language how much he is enjoying this time of year.
He understands the words "Christmas tree". I love to pick him up and stand close to the tree and say the two magical words, "Christmas tree". When I say these magical words he lights up with a big smile and gets so excited that he hideshis face into my shoulder and kicks with happiness. It seriously is my favorite moment right now with him. Ahhh the simple things in life. I love it!!
Another cherished moment is looking at our Christmas card with our two boys. It's their first Christmas together!! I stop and stare for a quick moment and know how much we're so blessed to have them in our lives.
I love my boys! xoxo
He loves climbing on this stepper. I know scarey!